Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thirty in One

I've seen lots of people doing "thirty days of thanks" but I didn't get started earlier so I thought I'd just list 30 things I'm grateful for.

So, I'm thankful for...

1. God.
2. My sons.
3. My parents.
4. My brother, sister, and their spouses.
5. My other close family members.
6. My friends.
7. My furbabies.
8. My home (dumpy as it is).
9. Having enough to eat. Well, food in general. I love to eat!
10. Music
11. The health of my loved ones.
12. My computer.
13. The internet.
14. Coffee.
15. Chocolate.
16. For living where the older boys can walk to and from school and sports practices.
17. Football (It's fun but mainly? It brings me closer to my sons)
18. Books.
19. Answered prayers.
20. My bed.
21. The wonderful memories I have of growing up and my sons' childhoods.
22. Laughter.
23. Fresh air.
24. The stars.
25. My car.
26. Lilacs and irises.
27. Lightening bugs.
28. Hot tubs.
29. Hugs.
30. T.V. lol.

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