Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Cat in the Cup

This is just a quick, cute home video of our cat Sparky. Pretty self-explanatory lol.


marythemom said...

We too have an orange tabby, Mr. Snuggles, that looks identical to Sparky (except Snuggles has a white bib). However instead of sticking his whole head into cups, Mr. Snuggles just repeatedly dips in his paw. So except for a little liquid footprint or two (which dry quickly) you have no idea if your drink has been contaminated by dirty cat paw.

The best part is that if the drink has milk in it he then throws up. You'd think my kids would learn not to leave their cups (and bowls, and plates) everywhere, but no, they choose to yell at the cat.

Mr. Snuggles is 6 years old. I'm sure that yelling at him is going to start working soon though.

Mary in TX

Becky said...


Mary, you crack me up. At our house the cats can do no wrong. It's the poor dog who gets yelled at.

Our girl cat Abby does the delicate "dip and lick" thing with her paw. It's sweet to watch but it's no fun wondering if she's shared lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's great! What a fun cat.

marythemom said...

The deleted post is in my reader. Just wanted to give you hugs and let you know I'm praying for you.

Mary in TX