I can't believe you're 8 now. It seems like yesterday that you walked into our lives and into my heart. I'll never forget that first night (How could I? You remind me often lol) when you were so quiet and shy and you wouldn't even eat dinner. Pizza. YOU.
It's hard watching you work so hard to put your past behind you but I'm glad you're doing it. I'm so proud of you! I hope that if I'm allowed to try I can be the mom you need to help you through this. You may not trust in this yet but I'll be here for as long as I can, forever if I have my way.
My hope for you is that some day when you look into the mirror you see what the people who love you see and NOT what your past has taught you to see. You are so smart and creative. It's always in the stories you write and the machines you build with your toys. You are considerate and appreciate the things people do for you. Not many kids would care enough to thank their mom for bringing their back pack to school when they forgot it. You show your kindness and generosity every day, whether you're helping me with chores, bringing Cory his cup, or sharing your gum.
Thank you for being my son! May your 8th year be your best ever and your life get happier and more blessed each year after!