Friday, May 1, 2009

Right Now...

There's not much going on that's post-worthy so this will just be a quickie catch-up post.

I'm still dealing with behavioral issues with the boys, though that shouldn't be a surprize. Mostly things are getting better for now but there have been a few incidents here and there.

J and L know now that they won't be going back to their family. They seem relieved and happy and I think some of the improvements in behavior have stemmed from knowing that. L has been telling his teachers and friends at pre-school that he "is going to be an adopted kid." He's asked me when he'll be able to be a "C" (my last name) "like the rest of you (meaning Cory, Ty, and I)". I asked him if he was happy about becoming a "C" and he jumped up and down with his answer of "Yes!" J hasn't said much but he called me mom one night shortly after hearing the news. We just kind of looked at each other at the same time and smiled. He's definetely processing it though because he asked me what would happen if I decided I didn't want him after he was adopted. I of course told him I WOULDN'T change my mind and after the adoption was official I COULDN'T change my mind.

Casper is doing well and is a happy addition to our family.

I still haven't started my job but should be soon. I don't really understand WHY it's taking so long but I do know that there IS a reason.

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