Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More News...Good and Bad???

I finally got a hold of the boys' cw today. I updated her about some things she needed to know and we talked a bit. She said her supervisor was planning on having a special meeting with the lawyers about this case. I'm not sure what that means for the case really. I DO know that the cw WANTS tpr. She told me she wants to go to court with everything she can get, which may mean continuing the case. UGH! But I guess I understand. SO it may be a week or two longer. She also told me that the child prep person has been notified. This is the person who comes in and does a life book with the boys and tries to help them understand what's happening (what tpr and adoption are). This is good news because it's a strong indication that they want and expect tpr to happen. The same lady worked with us when we were preparing to finalize Cory and Tyler. Lol it made me feel good that the cw mentioned that L (the child prep lady) was excited to work with me again.

In everyday news...J was touchy at times but no rages and was mainly his really happy, joyful self. And I got my first ever nice patio set. On sale AND delivered the same day lol. You'd have thought it was Christmas with how excited the boys were lol. They were watching out the window for the delivery truck and "supervised" the unloading.

1 comment:

Kathy's Korner said...

LOL....I can just see the boys "supervising" I love hearing how they take care of "things" like that around the house. Little men.

And it is so encouraging to hear someone from the powers that be showing you active movement towards a SAFE goal for the boys!!