Friday, November 26, 2010

Friends or Family???

I wasn't planning to sit and blog right this minute. I usually do that later in the day. I just checked the NaBloPoMo prompt page for something to occupy my mind as I wait for Cory to finish playing on the boys' computer and Ty to get home from his "job" (he does odd jobs for people in the neighborhood). But this prompt? I love.

This was yesterday's prompt: Who are you closer to, friends or family? Wow. I don't know how much I'll have to SAY about this subject but I know I it makes me feel a lot.

I'm close to my family. I think my mom and dad would do almost anything for us and I would do anything within my power for them. They've always been there for me. And my brother and sister? about blessings!!! My sister and I are amazingly close and I can't imagine anything ever changing that. We'ere always there for each other. And my brother? He's like the world's best uncle lol. He's watched the boys for me. He takes time with them, makes them laugh, teaches them things. I absolutely love him! And I get along with and LIKE my brother and sister in-law. My brother-in-law is so good for my sister and a great dad. And my sister in law? She's more like a sister. She's sweet, she cares, and she's been there for me, too. On top of that, I have several cousins that I just adore and a couple of aunts who are almost second moms to me. I'm so blessed by all of them.

But my friends? Holy cow! I am so blessed by them, too. Can I count them any less? There are friends I've made online that I can't imagine my life without. I've even met one of them. I talk to the ones I'm closest to at least once every day. On the rare day it happens that I don't? I'm completely thrown for a loop. We've all been there for each other and will continue to be so through some difficult times. I have 3 friends I've known since fourth grade who are like sisters to me. We don't talk or see each other very often now, but when we do it's as if we were never apart. There's not much I wouldn't do for any of these ladies.

I guess it comes to this. There is family. There are friends. And there are friends who ARE family. I'm happily extremely close to the first and inordinately blessed by the number of people I can count among the third. And I thank God for both every day!

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