Monday, November 21, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for 11/22/11

Find it here.

Outside my’s dark and cold.

I am thinking...about Thanksgiving.

I am thankful...for opportunities that come my way.

From the learning rooms...The boys did their homework lol.

In the kitchen...we had burgers! Yum!

I am wearing...pants and a shirt.

I am creating...nothing. I'm not that crafty and I HATE thinking of answers to this question LOL.

I am have a busy day tomorrow!

I am wondering...what's in the near future.

I am reading...a mystery series with a caterer as the main character.

I am start and finish Christmas shopping soon.

I am looking forward to...Thanksgiving.

I am hearing...silence. The 3 older boys are upstairs and Logan is VERY quietly watching tv.

Around the house...I'm not doing anything else and you can't make me!

I am to answer this question. I'm not in a philosophical place right now lol.

One of my favorite water.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Errands and stuff tomorrow, babysitting Wednesday, and Thanksgiving Thursday! Woot!

A picture thought:

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